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About HD Pilates

You're only as young as your spine is flexible.

Hi I'm Hannah and I'm passionate about how pilates supports healthy movement in everyday life and sport.

I started doing pilates when I left school. It is from there that my interest in functional movement and taking care of your body for all life's challenges grew.

My passion for pilates has continued to grow over the years and I finally decided to take the leap into teaching when I saw first hand the difference access to a regular pilates class was making to my Nan. A women in her late 80s still getting the most out of life doing the things she loves. She became my inspiration to be able to help other gain the benefits of pilates.

Movement is for everybody and if we take care of the body we have, by practicing functional movement we will all be able to continue doing the things that bring us joy as we age. This is what I strive towards, and this is what I want to inspire in others.

Child's Pose
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